Friday, 18 July 2014

Healthy thinking Day 6 - Forgiveness

This one might hurt a bit.

Simon Peter came to Jesus and and asked him how many times we should forgive those who have hurt and offended us. Jesus says 70 times 7. Now I'm sure your not walking around and counting the amount of times you have forgiven that person that's hurt you and when you reach forgiveness 491 you just don't forgive anymore. Matt18v21-22
Jesus was saying that you must forgive as many times as it takes.

Often times when we hold on to pain and hurt is does us more harm to us rather than to those who hurt us. Now your sitting and thinking the person who hurt me does not deserve your forgiveness, well I can tell you that you deserve to be set free from the hurt that'd it's caused.

I honestly believe that we as human beings sometimes like to feel sorry for ourselves and like to be all sad and stuff but that's now what God intended for us. 

Can I encourage you today in your thought processes to start thinking forgiveness. It's not an easy road to walk but it's rewards far out weigh the hurt that is held on to. 

When Jesus was hanging on the cross he said "father forgive them they know not what they do. If God who is the creator of all we know and don't know can forgive, who are we not to. 

FORGIVE you will feel great.

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