Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Healthy Thinking Day 14 - Favor is Fab

A pastor once tought at our church and said "favor isn't fare favor is fabulous". It's always stuck with as a catch frase because everyone has fovor but not everyone believes they do. 

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. (Proverbs 3:3-4 NIV)

There are 2 prerequisites to having favor. 
Love and faithfulness. These to things make the mark of a favored man or woman. I totally believe that once God enters your life love comes automatically. Faithfulness comes when your love someone so much that you wouldn't want to let them down. 

I remember having a boxer dog when I was a young boy. My dad let me name her. Please don't judge me. I called her Barbie. She was the most amazing dog and friend in the world. My dad took her for obedience training and she was an A student pup. I loved playing hide and seek with her. I would stand on our porch and tell her to sit. Then I would run around the house and climb up the gutter alongside our house. Once on top I would whistle and Barbie would come quizzing by passing underneath me. She would be in such a hurry to find me that she would fail to look up when she ran past like a speeding bullet. Eventually she would catch in to this trick and that would be the first place she would look for me. Her faithfulness to us as a family lasted because of the love we showed her and the love she had for us. Yes she was a dog and couldn't say the words love but she could show it. 

In the same way that Gods love for us was Shown not just said, when he sacrificed his son. 

So faithfulness comes from a love that says thank you for sacrificing your Son. Favor comes from the love and faithfulness. 

You have favor today. 

No Go! 

Much love

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