Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Healthy Thinking Day 33 - Let the Redeemed of The Lord

Well once again I say God is so Good. I hope you are blessed as you read this. 

Many a time we walk out the door and we say "don't drive with your window open cause it's unsafe" or "I'm so scared of being mugged" even thou you have never been mugged. This is an important principal to learn today as this could help you and others out of a fear mentality. 

There is a saying that says "all the small foxes destroy the vine." This is so true because we don't speak something once and instantly believe it. It takes constant repetition for us to start believing it. Those small words spoken will sooner or later grow out of controle and cause disaster. 

Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; (Psalms 107:2 KJV) 

This scripture challenges. If I had to put it into a question it would be like this. 

Has The Lord redeemed you?? If so tell the world about it. Don't let the word you speak against and contradict that redemption.!!!!

If you are fearful today about being mugged, hijacked, death or anything that goes against what God says speak faith. Yes. Let the redeemed of The Lord say so. If you are redeemed you are bought with an unbelievable price. 

Now I can hear my wife saying to me but stuff like that happens even thou people don't speak it. Yet that's true but they are still the redeemed. I'm not saying go drive around in a bad area with your windows down and in surtain cases be unwise. What I'm saying is if you realize that you are redeemed your thought life will be a whole lot better with less stress when your faced with a person standing at your window just asking for cash and you think he or she is there to mug you. All the fear starts in the mind and ends up showing itself in all other areas of your life. 

So as you read this say it out loud. 

I am the Redeemed. 

Now Go. 

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